Channel: Lecciones Prácticas
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Drupal 7: acceso a bases de datos externas

En Drupal 7 hay varias formas de acceder a bases de datos externas. Método 1: Añadir bases de datos adicionales en la configuración (settings.php) <?php $databases = array();...

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Drupal 7: crear un módulo que consulte base de datos externa [RESUELTO]

Imaginemos que queremos leer información de una base de datos externa en Drupal 7. Para ello vamos a crear un módulo. El tutorial cubrirá el proceso completo desde la instalación de Drupal....

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qTranslate and wordpress 3.7 [SOLVED]

If you want to migrate to new wordpress version (3.7) and are using qTranslate, make the following change to /wp-content/plugins/qtranslate/qtranslate.php before updating wordpress to the newer...

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Display qTranslate flags (language switcher) in your wordpress theme [SOLVED]

How to display a language switcher in your wordpress theme? Easy! Edit your template file, for instance, header.php and include the following lines: <!-- alternador de idiomas qTranslate --->...

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WordPress and qTranslate: translate menu items

If you have installed qTranslate for the first time in your blog, and you already had a navigation menu with some items, what is the best way to translate those navigation items? I have found that the...

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WordPress custom archive for specific category [SOLVED]

This days i’ve been designing a website in which there is a need for different archive views for each category of posts. For this example, we will asume that we have three post categories defined: 1)...

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WordPress: adding masonry grid layout to Ryu theme [SOLVED]

I just love Ryu theme for WordPress. It is a modern, white, minimal yet elegant theme. The one thing I am not fond of about Ryu is the archive page. I would prefer if it had a grid-based layout (using...

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Drupal7: list allowed values from a field type list [SOLVED]

In Drupal 7, how do you list all the allowed values in a certain field of some content type? You can use the list_allowed_values function. Lets see it with an example. I will define a new Content Type...

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Rename multiple files using sequence number in OSX from command line [SOLVED]

With this command you will rename all the jpg files in the current directory to PREFIX_0000.jpg to PREFIX_9999.jpg find . -name '*.jpg' \ | awk 'BEGIN{ a=0 }{ printf "mv %s PREFIX_%04d.jpg\n", $0, a++...

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CDS Invenio: format templates box in advanced search and search results...

Invenio 0.99x offers the option to control which output formats are enabled in searches and collections. For instance, if we take a look at the advanced search screen inside of the particular...

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