Channel: Lecciones Prácticas
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Descomprimir ficheros ZIP/RAR en OS X: aplicación gratuita

Como os decía en otro post, llevo unos días muy entretenido descubriendo las posibilidades de OS X. La migración desde un sistema Windows está siendo bastante natural e intuitiva, aunque algunos...

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OS X: Mostrar unidades conectadas en el escritorio [resuelto]

Como usuario habitual de Windows, estoy acostumbrado a que al conectar un disco USB, Windows abra una ventana que me permite explorar directamente el disco. Es cómodo. En OS X 10.8, por defecto, las...

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Apple Wireless Keyboard en Windows 7 [resuelto]

Hace días adquirí un teclado Wireless Keyboard de Apple (bluetooth) y quiero utilizarlo tanto en mi PC como en el MAC. Es el modelo bluetooth de DOS pilas. Para que funcione correctamente en PC: -...

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Recorrer una lista y eliminar elementos en Python (resuelto)

Hay veces que Python hace cosas que no te esperas. Por ejemplo, si quieres recorrer e ir borrando los elementos de una lista según éstos se van recorriendo, pensarías que lo normal es hacerlo del...

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CDS Invenio VAGRANT how-to

Do you know VAGRANT? Well, if you don’t, you should. If you want a development instance of Invenio, Vagrant is the way to go. Three commands and you’ll have a working installation: This is the usual...

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OS X y cliente SAMBA para conectar a disco usb de LIVEBOX Orange [Resuelto]

Una de las cosas que menos me ha gustado del proceso de migración a OS X ha sido que el sistema no permita conectarse a servidores samba. Si, como yo, tenéis un router Livebox de Orange, podéis...

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Editor VI: Sustituir todas las ocurrencias de una palabra (buscar y...

Una de las operaciones más habituales consiste en buscar y reemplazar las ocurrencias de una palabra/frase en un archivo de texto. Esto es muy sencillo utilizando editores, o incluso haciéndolo...

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CentOS Python crash after update: Urandom [SOLVED]

We updated our CentOS machines and when we restarted our Apache servers, and tried to access the sites, a “500 Internal Server Error” was being shown. We noticed some ugly shit in Apache error.log:...

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Instalar pip (python) en MAC [RESUELTO]

Si programáis habitualmente en python, pip es una herramienta imprescindible. Para instalarlo en un sistema MAC (OS X Mountain Lion en mi caso), es tan fácil como abrir Terminal y ejecutar: sudo...

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CDS Invenio: batch delete records or interval of records (from python...

Sometime ago I came up with this little hack to add invenio the functionality to delete a record from command line. If you need to delete a lot of records (i.e. in your testing/development server), you...

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Python with MySQL special characters issues (tildes, etc) [SOLVED]

Some days ago a friend of mine who is learning python asked for my help. He was experimenting issues with spanish special characters (such as tildes -á,é,í,ó,ú- and -ñ-) when retrieving data from a...

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Drupal 7: Pathauto url pattern page is empty [SOLVED]

If you install Pathauto 7.x-1.2 in the last Drupal stable version (7.21) and try to define some new url patterns for your content type’s (under ?q=admin/config/search/path/patterns or Administration...

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Drupal 7: Display search box in page.tpl.php or other template files [SOLVED]

Let’s assume you want to display a search box in your Drupal 7 theme. You can do it several ways: rendering the search form, rendering a block which contains it, using template.php or page.tpl.php....

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CDS Invenio 0.99.X: inveniogc ERROR [SOLVED]

Some days ago I noticed there was something wrong with inveniogc. Every time I run inveniogc -a I was getting errors like: 2013-04-17 08:31:30 --> 2013-04-17 08:31:30 --> Updating task status to...

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Python: truncate string to n words [SOLVED]

A friend of mine asked how to implement a python function to truncate a string to the first n words. Easy! def truncate_string(mystring, numberofwords): return '...

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Drupal 7 “500 – Internal server error” [SOLVED]

When you want to install a new Drupal 7 in a shared server or some web hosts, specially those concerned with security settings, there is a good chance that all you get is a “500 internal server error”....

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Drupal 7: Path breadcrumbs in Views page [SOLVED]

Path breadcrumbs module allows you to easily add breadcrumbs to your Drupal site. The module lacks of documentation, but they offer this image as an example: And there is a videotutorial as well. The...

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Oracle: guess the query of a view [SOLVED]

Some time ago, someone at my work created a new View in our Oracle database called AUTORESUZ (notice the capitals!) and I wanted to know how this view was defined, this is, the query that lies under...

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Drupal 7: Styling language switcher

Language switcher is a Drupal module which allows to display a block that allows visitors to choose between the languages in which your site is available (check /admin/config/regional/language to list...

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Drupal 7: display language switcher in template [SOLVED]

Some days ago we learnt to display a search box in Drupal template files, and according to that post and the Drupal handbook rendering a language switcher block in your theme templates should be easy....

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